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Bobby Hackett, Nan Wynn and Leigh Stevens - 1938

Saturday Night Swing Club


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Priceless footage of the leading swing radio series


During 1936-39, one of the major jazz/swing radio programs was the Saturday Night Swing Club

Fortunately two film shorts were made in 1938 that are essentially filmed editions of the program; unlike many shorts of the era, the music is paramount and show-biz elements are absent.

Arranger Leigh Stevens leads a top-notch swing orchestra through a colorful number (Chauncey Morehouse is the drummer), Leslie Lieber plays some impressive penny whistle on “Nobody’s Sweetheart Now,” and Nan Wynn sings a warm version of “They Say.”

Cornetist Bobby Hackett leads a hot combo on “Jazz Me Blues” that includes clarinetist Joe Marsala, Brad Gowans on valve trombonist, rhythm guitarist Eddie Condon, and probably pianist Dave Bowman, bassist Clyde Newcombe and drummer George Wettling.

The program wraps up with “Tea For Two” which has the Stevens Orchestra with cameos from Bobby Hackett’s group and Leslie Lieber plus a chorus by Nan Wynn, swinging the show to its end.

-Scott Yanow

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