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Aim for the Heart

Tony Horowitz


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A tribute to the trumpeter


Trumpeter Tony Horowitz was born September 16, 1945.

As a child, Tony Horowitz won a televised talent show in 1957, the same year that he began performing with Slim LeRoy & His Cactus Riders

In 1958, Horowitz formed Tony’s Tones and in the 1960s he worked with such notables as Rene Touzet, Carlos Vidal, Francisco Aguabella, the Jimmy Wakley Show, Gary Lewis & The Playboys, Louis Bellson, Tony Pastor and various society bands.

The trumpeter served in the Army during 1968-71, becoming the musical director of the 72nd U.S. Army Jazz Band.

In 1973 Horowitz toured with Ray Charles, and in the 1970s and ‘80s also worked with Louis Prima, the Raquel Welch Show, Lou Rawls, and Willie Bobo, appearing on a lot of commercial recordings including for television and films.

During 1989-93, Tony Horowitz was in Germany where he mostly worked as a bandleader, followed by a six-year period (1993-99) based in Texas, and an additional period (1999-2009) back in Germany.

After returning to the U.S. in 2009, Tony Horowitz stopped performing and enjoyed his retirement.

The trumpeter, who always enjoyed working with younger players, is featured on “Aim For The Heart” with the LACC Big Band.

-Scott Yanow

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