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Serenade To A Cuckoo - 1972

Rahsaan Roland Kirk


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A bit of Rahsaan in concert


There was no one ever like Rahsaan Roland Kirk.

Great as his best recordings were, seeing him live let one really know how remarkable he was.

Rahsaan Roland Kirk could play three saxophones (the tenor, manzello and stritch) at the same time, forming a one-man horn section.

He was a master at circular breathing, was an innovative flutist and a skilled clarinetist, and could play in several different styles, ranging from Illinois Jacquet-type swing and bop to r&b and free improvising.

There is not that much film of Kirk; this clip gives one some tantalizing glimpses of Rahsaan at the beginning and the end of a riotous set at the 1972 Montreux Jazz Festival.

It gives viewers a chance to see how Rahsaan Roland Kirk looked when he played (with several instruments hanging from his neck) along with a bit of his flute and one-man horn section playing.

-Scott Yanow

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