The artist in this video has been charged by the City of N.O. with 1,100 counts of littering and now faces $50,000 in fines.

An exhibit and art show is set up to help raise funds at the Avenue Pub at 1732 St. Charles Avenue. The show is up until March 29th and is open Monday through Thursday ten to six.

If you’re out of town and want to help, here’s an idea:

NoLA Rising Legal Defense Fund

As y’all know from the recent City Business article, I am facing some possibly stringent fines and the like. My legal representation, Buddy Spell has determined that because of the costs, it may be in my best interest and in the interest of NoLA Rising that we set up a legal defense fund. If you’d like to assist in these matters, it would be greatly appreciated and you can do so by sending a check made out to
SPELL & SPELL with the name MICHAEL “REX” DINGLER in the memo section to:SPELL & SPELL
C/O Michael Dingler Defense Fund
924 Ellis Street
Franklinton, LA 70438


If you are everywhere
St. Patrick’s Day New Orleans 2008 video

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