Thanks for all the support our video “The Katrina Myth.”

At the moment, we’re a hair away from having had over 60,000 viewers in just 10 days.

I hope you’ll continue to spread the word about this video. It’s the only “quick read,” comprehensive source of info on levees, levee failures, and the reality of New Orleans geography.

A lot of long time residents wrote us saying they were grateful for the video because even they’d been bamboozled by the propaganda about New Orleans “doomed geography.”

New Orleans is doomed ONLY if the Army Corps of Engineers is not brought to task, reformed, and put on the job of designing and building a levee system that works.

Speaking of the Corps, finally after how many years, informed commentary about the Corps investigation of itself (sic) is appearing. Much of it confirms what has been saying since the beginning…and more critiques from more sources are in the pipeline.

It would have been great if the Corps management had copped to their errors three years ago and focused on correcting them instead of running an expensive, full-court publicity blitz obscuring the facts in an attempt to “defend” themselves.

Watch for things to heat up on this issue in the weeks and months to come. It’s not over yet.

Click here for “Corps Self-Critique Criticized”

On tarps and TARP
Gustav moves “The Kartina Myth” to the top of the YouTube charts

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