We’ve been assisting our friend and colleague Camilo Moreira who teaches jazz to the high school students of the Cuban National School of Music (ENA) in Havana.

Here’s their latest project…

Camilo’s notes:

“The saxophone section from the Cuban National School of Music jazz band (ENA) performing an arrangement from All the things you are.

The music was recorded by means voice recorder app from each student cellphone. The teacher Camilo Moreira rehears with each student via WhatsApp due to the lock down caused by the Covid 19 pandemic. ”

The lockdowns have been particularly severe in Cuba with curfews starting as early as 1 PM in some places.

ENA, which is a boarding school for Cuba’s most talented high school students from all over the island, sent all its students home in 2020.

Camilo’s virtual performance project is one of the only organized musical activities they have right now.

This is one of the many projects your contributions go to when you are a paid Jazz on the Tube subscriber. More info here

– Ken McCarthy
Jazz on the Tube

P.S. You can learn more about Camilo Moreira here

Jazz ala Cuba (1933)
Ivor Miller - YouTube Channel