Dr. Ivor Miller is a cultural historian specializing in the African Diaspora in the Caribbean and the Americas. He has conducted research in Cuba since 1991 and in Nigeria and Cameroon since 2004.

He was a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History & International Studies, University of Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria from 2009-2019.

He has been a Research Fellow at the African Studies Center, Boston University, since 2006.

Select videos from the video archive of Ivor Miller

Books by Ivor Miller

The Sacred Language of the Abakua More info

Voice of the Leopard: African Secret Societies and Cuba More info

Calabar on the Cross River More info

Aerosol Kingdom: Subway Painters of New York City More info

– Ken McCarthy

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All the Things You are - from Havana
Changui and the music of Oriente

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