Henry Holloway, veteran jazz radio broadcaster and host of “Swing, Sing and All That Jazz” which we make available to you each week through the magic of the Internet.
Henry Holloway was the first non-American to win the Golden Bandstand Award and is one of the very few non-musicians to do so. Other winners have included: Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, Count Basie, and Frank Sinatra.
Recently, this eighty-something year old jazz fan with decades of jazz broadcasting experience signed up for a free course about Cuba and its music by subscribing to “Ken’s Cuba List.”
Here’s what he said in a recent private email to Ken (reprinted with Henry’s permission):
Dear Ken,
I’ve just finished listening to the program you sent about the conga.
Awesome, just awesome!!!!!
I have NEVER before realized how fascinating the conga and associated instruments can be!!!!! In fact, I’ve always written them off, but now I respect them greatly.
This has been an enormous musical lesson to me……
Thanks and keep up your wonderful work.
Yours in Jazz,
Henry Holloway
Whether you’re eight or eighty, if you’re US citizen, you have been cut off from Cuba for most of your life.
This is a tragic situation on many levels including the music and musical connections we’ve all missed.
To help mend this sad state-of-affairs, Ken McCarthy, the founder of Jazz on the Tube, is offering a weekly musical “lesson” about Cuba and its music, truly one of humanity’s great cultural treasures and one of the essential contributing elements to the music we call jazz.
It’s free and you can start the course any time. Just sign up for Ken’s Cuba List. (As always, you can unsubscribe at any time.)
Discovering the richness of Cuba’s music has been a life changing experience for thousands of jazz lovers (Dizzy Gillespie and Stan Kenton come to mind.) Now you can learn – in depth – what all the fuss is about.
You can keep up with Henry’s weekly show “Swing, Sing and All That Jazz” here.