Based on our first hand experience with the Red Cross and other “all purpose” fundraisers in New York (9/11) and New Orleans (Katrina), we recommend people do deep research before they send money to organizations to help.

After a great deal of study and thought, we have been recommending the PRIMA Fund which makes direct grants to musicians in Puerto Rico as a way to help musicians, their families, and their communities.

As Bobby Sanabria says: “Musicians are people too you know.”

I can tell you this from first hand experience – musicians were an essential key in helping put New Orleans back on its feet after the catastrophic levee failures there in 2005.

They brought life back to shattered streets, they raised morale, and they reinvigorated the travel and entertainment industry which was in a state of shock.

Musicians are doing the same thing in Puerto Rico today and our faith in PRIMA as a vehicle for helping them has been validated over and over again.

If you’d like to read a detailed article about current conditions in Puerto Rico and how PRIMA is helping, you can do to that here: PRIMA leads a grassroots recovery in Puerto Rico.

If you want to cut to the chase and help here now

On behalf of the people who six months out still need serious help, thank you.

– Ken McCarthy
Jazz on the Tube

Click here: The emergency in Puerto Rico is not over: How to help

Harvard in Cuba
Afro-Cuban roots