Criminally negligent homicide AKA mass murder in New Orleans

Greg Palast is one of the finest US journalists working today which means, of course, he can’t find a job in the US so he writes for UK publications and makes his own films.

Some people believe the levees in New Orleans were blown to clear black neighborhoods for development. The simple truth is far more sinister:

The levees were built like crap, the Army Corps of Engineers knew it and – note carefully – the federal government sat on information they had about the levee collapses for twelve long hours before disclosing it to state and local authorities. Why? Ask Bush’s spinmaster Karl Rove.

Excerpts from the Greg Palast film “Big Easy to Big Empty”:

[kml_flashembed movie=”″ width=”400″ height=”326″/]

Below is a very early analysis of the levee breaks by an “amateur” from New York State using publically available web data. At the time, the news media claimed total confusion about what had happened.

Her question: “If I can look up this stuff, why can’t the news media?”


Kathryn Cramer’s New Orleans levee break(s) before and after

New Orleans restaurant list – open for business
To Be Continued Brass Band

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