Please participate in the Jazz Educators Network (JEN) “What’s working?” survey

Please take a minute to fill out this survey to help JEN gather information to help musicians and educators share information about what’s working in online teaching, performing and collaborating. Thanks.

Tools for streaming live video performances

Live Stream on YouTube

Facebook Live

How to teach music remotely

1. Two classes for educators from the Jazz Education Network

2. MeetHook – Platform that connects professionals with their followers via paid one-on-one live video calls

Models to study

10 Rules for a Successful Livestream

Livestream fundraiser for staff of local music venues

Advanced Tools…after you’ve broken the ice with a simple show (Don’t get bogged down in technology. It is not necessary.)

LiveConcert – A very well put together platform put together by Seattle’s Gordon Brown

How to set up on Twitch

Open Broadcast 

Great resource across multiple art forms

Steve Provizer’s Virtual Art Project: Vap-It

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Live at Vitos - Seattle
Kermit Ruffin and the BBQ Swingers

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