To date, we’ve researched, posted and annotated over 2,000 jazz and blues videos (many of which were originally films.)

There are many thousands more out there and we’re going after them.

What keeps us working away?

Our never-ending amazement about the miraculousness of all this.

Miracle #1: That musicians of this level of attainment somehow, against all odds, came into being

Miracle #2: That there was an audience and infrastructure in place to gave them opportunities to learn, perform, and develop their art

Miracle #3: That at each one of these occasions for which we’ve got a video record someone was there with a camera and microphone to skillfully capture and edit it

Miracle #4: That the infrastructure of the Internet allows us to see and hear these miracles any time we want in the comfort of our own homes, or anywhere else we want to see them

Miracle #5: That you’re watching and reading this now

Jazz video before the Internet

I’ll never forget the first time I saw a film clip of Lester Young performing after years of listening to him on record.

To see that clip, I had to travel all the way to New York City to the Museum of Broadcasting, check out the video from their catalog and watch it in one of the museum’s viewing carrels.

Just getting to see that one short clip was an all day process, but after I saw it, the impact on me was so profound  I would have gladly spent a week or more of effort just to see it that one time.

In many ways, the music speaks for itself, but the music does not come from a disembodied source. It comes from people and seeing the people do what they do magnifies the experience exponentially – for me at least, and maybe for you too.

– Lester Perkins and Ken McCarthy

P.S.  If you like what we’re doing, we can always use help with our hard costs. The vast majority of the work on this site is volunteer, but we’ve got hosting bills, e-mail list software management bills, tech trouble shooting bills, and other costs that run to over $1,500 a month (over $18,000 a year.)

Support Jazz on the Tube: Learn here how you can contribute to our efforts. Thanks.

P.P.S. Remember, the ultimate aim of this site is to support living musicians, those just starting and veterans alike, so if Jazz on the Tube has inspired you to get out and see some live music and maybe even taking an activist role in supporting the music, we’re very happy.


Interview with Philip Arneill of
Documenting Japan's Jazz Shrines
Why don't we have the video?

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