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What do you do if you’re a composer and can’t get your work recorded? (A very common scenario by the way)

You start your own record label of course and that’s exactly what composer/songwriter/educator Randy Klein did.

And the music world is a richer place because of it,

Among other gems, is the label for Bobby Sanabria’s “West Side Story – Reimagined.”

Note: Due to some truly epic logistical problems, I had to record from an unfamiliar location and the sound quality on my end of the conversation is not up to par.

Don’t let it daunt you. This is a fascinating “behind the scenes” look at how musicians are making their own opportunities in the 21st century. Very inspiring.

– Ken McCarthy
Jazz on the Tube

Music credit: The Jazz on the Tube podcast theme song is “Mambo Inferno” performed by The Manhattan School of Music Afro-Cuban Jazz Orchestra conducted by Bobby Sanabria from the CD ¡Que Viva Harlem!

Documentary - "Mr. Bongo: I'm going to live until I die"
Milford Graves Full Mantis

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