From South Carolina to Ghana to New York City, Frank Malloy IV and his family have been on a remarkable journey.

After inspiring trips to Ghana, Frank’s parents founded the Harambee Dance Company in Charleston, South Carolina and later brought it to New York City.

Frank, in addition to being a West African Drumming instructor for United Palace of Creative Arts (UPCA) – a stunningly beautiful former movie “palace” at 4140 Broadway (near the A Train stop at 175th Street) – is also the music director of the Harambee Dance Company.

On Saturday, June 25, he’s putting together a showcase at UPCA featuring Les Nubians, Chargeux, the Harambee Dance Company, and ADH.

Details here: Soulevate – a night of jazz, funk and Afropean soul  


Download the mp3 here

Chris Behrens and the Beloit Memorial High School Jazz Orchestra
Exploring the Soundscape: Cuba and Beyond with Verna Gillis

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