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Remembering Eddie Durham with Topsy Durham

Recollections with Eddie’s daughter Topsy

Download the mp3 here

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Jazz on the Tube is declaring 2020 the “Year of Eddie Durham.”

If you don’t know Eddie Durham (1906-1987), buckle your seat belts. He’s one the the secret sources of the music we call jazz.

Take Eddie out of the equation and a whole lot of things that made jazz jazz would never have happened.

He’s easily one of the most important musicians in the history of jazz and therefore one of the most important musicians in the history of American music.

Whose careers were nourished by Eddie Durham’s genius?

How about these for starters?

The Oklahoma City Blue Devils, Benny Moten, Jimmie Lunceford, Count Basie, Charlie Christian, Lester Young, Glenn Miller – and this is just the short list!

Click here to go to the Eddie Durham tribute site

Music referenced in this interview

Download the mp3 here

1. Moten’s Swing (1933) – (00:00)
2. Hittin’ the Bottle (1935) – (03:24)
3. Topsy (1937) – (06:24)
4. Good Morning Blues (1937) – (09:38)
5. Swinging the Blues (1938) – (12:26)
6. Countless Blues (1938) – (15:10)
7. Way Down Yonder in New Orleans (1938 – two takes) – (18:07)
8. Jumpin’ at the Woodside (1939) – (24:09)
9. In the Mood (1939) – (27:18)

Documentary about Eddie Durham by the Center for Texas Music History

– Ken McCarthy
Jazz on the Tube

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Music credit: The Jazz on the Tube podcast theme song is “Mambo Inferno” performed by The Manhattan School of Music Afro-Cuban Jazz Orchestra conducted by Bobby Sanabria from the CD ¡Que Viva Harlem!

The Annual San Marcos Texas, Eddie Durham Tribute Sponsored by the Calaboose African American History Museum

The secret creative “spark plug” behind the success of the Blue Devils, Jimmy Lunceford, Lester Young, Freddie Green, Charlie Christian and Count Basie. Arranger of Glen Miller’s “In the Mood” too!

Videos and Other Resources

A little bit of Django

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